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Properties of Wrought Stainless
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This page contains mechanical property reference data for Stainless Steel and includes Yield strength, Tensile strength, Elongation, Reduction in Area and Brinel hardness information.

(Tabulated in accordance with the Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys (UNS), Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, Pa., 1975. This reference contains the cross reference numbers for AISI, ASTM, FED, MIL SPEC, and SAE specifications. All yield strengths are obtained using the 0.2 percent offset method. Provided by permission from the "Metals Handbook," 8th ed, vol 1, p 414, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1961. Multiply strength in kpsi be 6.89 to get strength in MPa.)


                     Yield     Tensile   Elongation  Reduction  Brinell

UNS                   strength, strength, in 2 in,    in area,   hardness,  

number  Processing    kpsi      kpsi      %           %          H_b

------  ------------  --------- --------- ----------  ---------  ---------

S20100  Annealed        55        155        55                  

S20100  1/4 hard        75        125        20                  

S20100  1/2 hard       110        150        10                  

S20100  3/4 hard       135        175         5                  

S20100  Full hard      140        185         4                  

S20200  Annealed        55        110        55                  

S20200  1/4 hard        75        125        12                  

S30100  Annealed        40        110        60                    165

S30100  1/4 hard        75        125        25                  

S30100  1/2 hard       110        150        15                  

S30100  3/4 hard       135        175        12                  

S30100  Full hard      140        185         8                  

S30200  Annealed        37         90        55          65        155

S30200  1/4 hard        75        125        12                  

S30300  Annealed        35         90        50          55        160

S30400  Annealed        35         85        55          65        150

S31000  Annealed        40         95        45          65        170

S31400  Annealed        50        100        45          60        170

S41400  Annealed        95        120        17          55        235

S41400  Drawn 400 F    150        200        15          55        415

S41400  Drawn 600 F    145        190        15          55        400

S41400  Drawn 800 F    150        200        16          58        415

S41400  Drawn 1000 F   120        145        20          60        325

S41400  Drawn 1200 F   105        120        20          65        260

S41600  Annealed        40         75        30          65        155

S41600  Drawn 400 F    145        190        15          55        390

S41600  Drawn 600 F    140        180        15          55        375

S41600  Drawn 800 F    150        195        17          55        390

S41600  Drawn 1000 F   115        145        20          65        300

S41600  Drawn 1200 F    85        110        23          65        225

S41600  Drawn 1400 F    60         90        30          70        180

S43100  Annealed        95        125        20          60        260

S43100  Drawn 400 F    155        205        15          55        415

S43100  Drawn 600 F    150        195        15          55        400

S43100  Drawn 800 F    155        205        15          60        415

S43100  Drawn 1200 F    95        125        20          60        260

S50100  Annealed        30         70        28          65        160

S50200  Annealed        30         70        30          75        150

------  ------------  --------- --------- ----------  ---------  ---------   

Physical Properties of Materials  |  Properties of Steel   |  Properties of Aluminum   |  Properties of Grey Cast Iron

Properties of Some Copper Alloys  |  Properties of Wrought Stainless Steel   |    Properties of Magnesium Alloys 

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