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Properties of Aluminum
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This page contains mechanical property reference data for steel and includes Yield strength, Tensile strength, Elongation, Reduction in area and Brinel hardness information.

(Tabulated in accordance with the Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys (UNS), Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, Pa., 1975. This reference contains the cross reference numbers for AISI, ASTM, FED, MIL SPEC, and SAE specifications. The values shown for hot-rolled (HR) and cold drawn (CD) steels are estimated minimum values which can usually be expected in the size range of 3/4 to 1-1/4 in. A minimum value is roughly several standard deviations below the arithmetic mean. The values shown for heat-treated steels are so-called typical values. A typical value is neither the mean nor the minimum. It can be obtained by careful control of the purchase specifications and the heat-treatment, together with continuous inspection and testing. The properties shown in this table are from a variety of sources and are believed to be representative. There are so many variables which affect these properties, however, that their approximate nature must be clearly recognized. Multiply strength in kpsi by 6.89 to get strength in MPa.)

UNS             Yield     Tensile   Shear modulus Fatigue    Elongation  Brinell

alloy           strength, strength, of rupture,   strength,  in 2 in,    hardness,  

number  Temper  kpsi      kpsi      kpsi          kpsi       %           H_b

------  ------- --------- --------- ------------- ---------  ----------  ---------

A91100  -O         5        13          9.5          5         45           23

A91100  -H12      14        15.5       10            6         25           28

A91100  -H14      20        22         14            9         16           40

A91100  -H16      24        26         15            9.5       14           47

A91100  -H18      27        29         16           10         10           55

A93003  -O         6        16         11            7         40           28

A93003  -H12      17        19         12            8         20           35

A93003  -H14      20        22         14            9         16           40

A93003  -H16      24        26         15            9.5       14           47

A93003  -H18      27        29         16           10         10           55

A93004  -O        10        26         16           14         25           45

A93004  -H32      22        31         17           14.5       17           52

A93004  -H34      27        34         18           15         12           63

A93004  -H36      31        37         20           15.5        9           70

A93004  -H38      34        40         21           16          6           77

A92011  -T3       48        55         32           18         15           95

A92011  -T8       45        59         35           18         12          100

A92014  -O        14        27         18           13         18           45

A92014  -T4       40        62         38           20         20          105

A92014  -T6       60        70         42           18         13          135

A92017  -O        10        26         18           13         22           45

A92017  -T4       40        62         38           18         22          105

A92018  -T61      46        61         39           17         12          120

A92024  -O        11        27         18           13         22           47

A92024  -T3       50        70         41           20         16          120

A92024  -T4       48        68         41           20         19          120

A92024  -T36      57        73         42           18         13          130

A95052  -O        13        28         18           17         30           45

A95052  -H32      27        34         20           17.5       18           62

A95052  -H34      31        37         21           18         14           67

A95052  -H36      34        39         23           18.5       10           74

A95052  -H38      36        41         24           19          8           85

A95056  -O        22        42         26           20         35           

A95056  -H18      59        63         34           22         10           

A95056  -H38      50        60         32           22         15           

A96061  -O         8        18         12.5          9         30           30

A96061  -T4       21        35         24           13.5       25           65

A96061  -T6       40        45         30           13.5       17           95

A97075  -T6       72        82         49           24         11          150

------  ------- --------- --------- ------------- --------- ---------- ----------     

Physical Properties of Materials  |  Properties of Steel   |  Properties of Aluminum   |  Properties of Grey Cast Iron

Properties of Some Copper Alloys  |  Properties of Wrought Stainless Steel   |    Properties of Magnesium Alloys 

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